WFDB Software Package 10.6.2

File: <base>/doc/wag-src/faq.ht0 (7,620 bytes)
<title>WFDB Applications Guide: FAQ</title>
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<b>Next:</b> NEXTPAGE <b>Up:</b> <a href="wag.htm">WFDB Applications Guide</a> <b>Previous:</b> <a href="intro.htm">Introduction</a>

<h1 align=center>Frequently Asked Questions</h1>
<h2 align=center>(and Frequently Exclaimed Exclamations)</h2>

<a name="text-mode"><h2>I double-clicked on the program icon, and nothing happens!<br>
I typed the program name in the 'Run...' dialog, and nothing happens!</h2></a>

<p> Don't do this!

<p> With few exceptions, PhysioToolkit applications run in <em>text mode</em>
(i.e., they do not include a graphical user interface).  These programs are
intended to be run within a terminal emulator using a command-line interface.
In most cases, if you attempt to run them by clicking on their icons or names,
or by entering the program name in the MS-Windows <b>Run...</b> dialog box,
these programs will open a DOS box, print a usage summary, and exit, usually
much too fast for you to read anything.

<p> By far the best way to use these programs under MS-Windows is to install a
Unix-compatible terminal emulator and shell in which to run them.  The best of
these is also free; if you have not already done so, download and install the
<a href="" target="other">Cygwin</a> software package.
This package includes <tt>bash</tt> (the GNU Bourne Again Shell), and a
terminal emulator in which to run it.  After a standard installation of Cygwin,
you can launch a terminal emulator and <tt>bash</tt> by clicking on the Cygwin
icon that will have been installed on your desktop.

<p> If you do not wish to use Cygwin, it is possible to run text-mode
applications under MS-Windows within a DOS box, but there are many limitations
of <tt></tt> that may prove frustrating.  In particular,
<tt></tt> supports a relatively small space for environment
variables that is not secure against buffer overruns, and has idiosyncratic
filename globbing behavior.

<a name="header-error"><h2>What does the message "init: can't open header for ..." mean?</h2></a>

<p> This message can be produced by any application linked to the WFDB
library, including <a href="rdsamp-1.htm"><b>rdsamp</b>(1)</a> and <a
href="rdann-1.htm"><b>rdann</b>(1)</a>.  In order to read data files,
these applications need to find a header (<b>.hea</b>) file for the
input record you specify.  The message indicates that the header file
was not found in any of the expected places, or that it was
unreadable.  There are three common reasons why this can happen:

<li> The <a href="intro.htm#record">record name</a> supplied to the
     application is not correct.  Record names are <em>not</em> file names (if
     this doesn't sound familiar yet, go back and read the
     <a href="intro.htm">introduction</a> again).  If you wish to read, for
     example, a signal file named <tt>slp60.dat</tt> using <b>rdsamp</b>, you
     must specify the name of the record to which this file belongs
     (<b>slp60</b>) after the <b>-r</b> option, and not the name of the file
     itself.  Whatever follows "init: can't open header for ..." is what the
     application thinks is the name of the record you wish to read.  Also, be
     aware that case matters in record names, even under operating systems that
     ignore case in file names.  Thus "<b>SLP60</b>" is not a valid record
     name; "<b>slp60</b>" is.

<li> The header file is missing.  If you download signal (<b>.dat</b>) or
     annotation (<b>.atr</b>, <b>.qrs</b>, etc.) files, be sure to download
     the corresponding <b>.hea</b> files from the same locations.

<li> The list of locations to be searched does not include the location of
     the header file.  WFDB applications find their input files by searching
     a list of locations specified by the WFDB path (the environment variable
     <b>WFDB</b>, or a default list of locations if WFDB has not been set). The
     WFDB path normally includes the current directory, but this may not be
     true if the WFDB path has been modified;  the current directory must
     appear explicitly (either as a "." or as an empty component in the path)
     in order to be included in the list of locations to be searched.  For
     further information, see <a href="../wpg/database-path.htm">"The
     Database Path and Other Environment Variables"</a> in the
     <a href="../wpg/">WFDB Programmer's Guide</a>.

<a name="pipes"><h2>How can I save the output of ... in a file?<br>
How can one program read another's output?</h2></a>

If you are running programs from a command prompt (by typing commands
into a terminal emulator window or an MS-DOS box), these things can
be done easily.

If you have ever used GNU/Linux, Unix, or MS-DOS, you may have captured the
output of a program by <em>redirecting</em> it to a file, like this:

    foo &gt;bar

The <tt>&gt;</tt> operator redirects <tt>foo</tt>'s standard output (which
would normally appear on-screen) into a file named <tt>bar</tt>.  If
<tt>bar</tt> exists already, its contents are replaced.  If you wish to
append <tt>foo</tt>'s output to whatever is already contained in <tt>bar</tt>,
use a command such as this instead:

    foo &gt;&gt;bar

There is an analogous operator that arranges for a program's standard input
(which would normally be read from whatever you type on the keyboard) to
be read from a file instead:

    baz &lt;bar

Here, the <tt>&lt;</tt> operator arranges for <tt>baz</tt> to read its
input from a file named <tt>bar</tt>.  If <tt>bar</tt> was created by
<tt>foo</tt>, then this command allows <tt>baz</tt> to read <tt>foo</tt>'s

You can combine input and output redirection in a single command using the
pipe (<tt>|</tt>) operator:

    foo | baz

This command runs <tt>foo</tt> and sends its standard output directly to
<tt>baz</tt>, without requiring an intermediate file.  True multitasking
operating systems such as Unix and GNU/Linux allow both programs to run
(apparently) simultaneously;  under MS-DOS or MS-Windows, the first program
runs to completion before the second one begins execution.

You can use these techniques whenever you run programs from a command
prompt, whether those programs are among those available here or obtained
from some other source.  You can use the same techniques with programs
you write yourself;  the only requirement is that your programs must read from
the standard input and write to the standard output (i.e., they must not
attempt to bypass the standard input/output mechanism by reading directly from
the keyboard or writing directly to the screen).

These operators (<tt>&gt;</tt>, <tt>&gt;&gt;</tt>, <tt>&lt;</tt>, and
<tt>|</tt>) are supported by all <em>shells</em> (command interpreters)
under Unix, GNU/Linux, and MS-DOS (including those that run within MS-DOS
boxes or other types of terminal emulators under MS-Windows).  For further
information, please refer to the documentation for your shell or command

<h2>Where else can I find answers to my questions about this software?</h2>

If you haven't read the <a href="intro.htm">introduction</a> to this guide
yet, do so now.  It answers many frequently asked questions by describing the
common behavior of many of the WFDB applications.  It also describes the
typographic and organizational conventions used in the remainder of this guide.

Many more questions are asked and answered in the <a
href="/faq.shtml">PhysioNet FAQ</a>.
