
Database Credentialed Access

RadCoref: Fine-tuning coreference resolution for different styles of clinical narratives

Yuxiang Liao, Hantao Liu, Irena Spasic

RadCoref is a small subset of MIMIC-CXR with manually annotated coreference mentions and clusters. Based on the annotated data, we fine-tuned a deep neural model and used it to annotate the whole MIMIC-CXR dataset. Both data are available.

natural language processing coreference resolution radiology

Published: Jan. 30, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

RadCoref: Fine-tuning coreference resolution for different styles of clinical narratives

Yuxiang Liao, Hantao Liu, Irena Spasic

RadCoref is a small subset of MIMIC-CXR with manually annotated coreference mentions and clusters. Based on the annotated data, we fine-tuned a deep neural model and used it to annotate the whole MIMIC-CXR dataset. Both data are available.

natural language processing coreference resolution radiology

Published: Jan. 30, 2024. Version: 1.0.0