Predicting Mortality of ICU Patients: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2012 1.0.0

File: <base>/sources/ (3,101 bytes)
function [s, sIdx] = pnExtractField(data,fieldName)
%PNEXTRACTFIELD	Extract data for a single variable
%   [ s, sIdx ] = pnExtractField(data,fieldName) extracts only the given 
%   field name for the data provided. The data is assumed to be in one of 
%   two forms: a cell array with each row as an individual field or a 
%   structure with each observation as an individual field (see below).
%   The output, s, is in the same format, with all data but the desired
%   field removed.
%   sIdx are the indices used to extract this field from the original data.
%	Inputs:
%		data    - Cell array of data inputs in standard format:
%           Column 1 - Subject IDs
%           Column 2 - Time stamp vectors for each subject
%           Column 3 - Feature name vectors for each subject
%           Column 4 - Data value vectors for each subject
%       Empty cells indicate no available measurements (missing data).
%       OR
%       data    - Structure with each field being a new observation
%           Each field should contain a cell array of the following format:
%           Column 1 - Time stamp vectors for each subject
%           Column 2 - Feature name vectors for each subject
%           Column 3 - Data value vectors for each subject
%	Outputs:
%		s    - Cell array of only fieldName data in standard format:
%           Column 1 - Subject IDs
%           Column 2 - Time stamp vectors for each subject
%           Column 3 - Feature name vectors for each subject (only contains
%           'PaFi')
%           Column 4 - Data value vectors for each subject
%       Empty cells indicate no available measurements (missing data).
%       OR
%       s    - Structure with each field being a new observation
%           Each field containS a cell array of the following format:
%           Column 1 - Time stamp vectors for each subject
%           Column 2 - Feature name vectors for each subject (only
%           fieldName will be present)
%           Column 3 - Data value vectors for each subject
%       sIdx - Cell array of indices used for each observation to extract
%       the data.
%	Example
%       %=== Load data in
%       load('data_processed_cell.mat');
%       %=== Extract pH
%       [ pH ] = pnExtractField(data,'pH');

%	Copyright 2012 Alistair Johnson

%	$LastChangedBy: alistair $
%	$LastChangedDate: 2012-05-29 09:01:11 -0400 (Tue, 29 May 2012) $
%	$Revision: 1 $
%	Originally written on PCWIN64 by Alistair Johnson, 07-Mar-2012 18:16:23
%	Contact:

if isstruct(data)
    %=== Create structure containing indices of each parameter
    fn = fieldnames(data);
    sIdx = structfun(@(x) strcmp(x(:,2),fieldName),data, 'UniformOutput',false);
    s = struct();
    for k=1:length(fn)
        s.(fn{k}) = data.(fn{k})(sIdx.(fn{k}));
    %=== Cell array format
    sIdx = cellfun(@(x) strcmp(x,fieldName), data(:,3), 'UniformOutput',false);
    s=[data(:,1), cellfun(@(x,y) x(y), data(:,2:end), repmat(sIdx,1,3),'UniformOutput',false)];