
Database Credentialed Access

RadGraph: Extracting Clinical Entities and Relations from Radiology Reports

Saahil Jain, Ashwin Agrawal, Adriel Saporta, Steven QH Truong, Du Nguyen Duong, Tan Bui, Pierre Chambon, Matthew Lungren, Andrew Ng, Curtis Langlotz, Pranav Rajpurkar

RadGraph is a dataset of entities and relations in full-text chest X-ray radiology reports, which are obtained using a novel information extraction (IE) schema to capture clinically relevant information in a radiology report.

entity and relation extraction graph multi-modal radiology natural language processing

Published: June 3, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Challenge Credentialed Access

SNOMED CT Entity Linking Challenge

Will Hardman, Mark Banks, Rory Davidson, Donna Truran, Nindya Widita Ayuningtyas, Hoa Ngo, Alistair Johnson, Tom Pollard

272 discharge notes from the MIMIC-IV-Note dataset annotated with SNOMED CT concepts.

snomed entity linking clinical annotation

Published: Dec. 19, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Restricted Access

VinDr-SpineXR: A large annotated medical image dataset for spinal lesions detection and classification from radiographs

Hieu Huy Pham, Hieu Nguyen Trung, Ha Quy Nguyen

VinDr-SpineXR: A large annotated medical image dataset for spinal lesions detection and classification from radiographs

Published: Aug. 24, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

RadQA: A Question Answering Dataset to Improve Comprehension of Radiology Reports

Sarvesh Soni, Kirk Roberts

RadQA is an electronic health record question answering dataset containing clinical questions that can be answered using the Findings and Impressions sections of radiology reports

electronic health records clinical notes question answering radiology reports machine reading comprehension

Published: Dec. 9, 2022. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

CHIFIR: Cytology and Histopathology Invasive Fungal Infection Reports

Vlada Rozova, Anna Khanina, Jasmine Teng, Joanne Teh, Leon Worth, Monica Slavin, karin thursky, Karin Verspoor

A corpus of cytology and histopathology reports annotated for terminology relevant to fungal infections. Ideal for validation of named entity recognition and relation extraction methods.

nlp information extraction clinical documentation invasive fungal infections

Published: Feb. 20, 2024. Version: 1.0.2

Database Credentialed Access

CHIFIR: Cytology and Histopathology Invasive Fungal Infection Reports

Vlada Rozova, Anna Khanina, Jasmine Teng, Joanne Teh, Leon Worth, Monica Slavin, karin thursky, Karin Verspoor

A corpus of cytology and histopathology reports annotated for terminology relevant to fungal infections. Ideal for validation of named entity recognition and relation extraction methods.

nlp information extraction clinical documentation invasive fungal infections

Published: Feb. 20, 2024. Version: 1.0.2

Database Contributor Review

CARMEN-I: A resource of anonymized electronic health records in Spanish and Catalan for training and testing NLP tools

Eulalia Farre Maduell, Salvador Lima-Lopez, Santiago Andres Frid, Artur Conesa, Elisa Asensio, Antonio Lopez-Rueda, Helena Arino, Elena Calvo, Maria Jesús Bertran, Maria Angeles Marcos, Montserrat Nofre Maiz, Laura Tañá Velasco, Antonia Marti, Ricardo Farreres, Xavier Pastor, Xavier Borrat Frigola, Martin Krallinger

CARMEN-I is a Spanish corpus of 2,000 clinical records from Hospital Clínic, Barcelona. It covers COVID-19 patients and comorbidities, serving as a resource for training clinical NLP models and researchers in NLP applied to clinical documents.

de-identification clinical ner anonymization

Published: April 20, 2024. Version: 1.0.1

Database Restricted Access

MIMIC-Eye: Integrating MIMIC Datasets with REFLACX and Eye Gaze for Multimodal Deep Learning Applications

Chihcheng Hsieh, Chun Ouyang, Jacinto C Nascimento, Joao Pereira, Joaquim Jorge, Catarina Moreira

MIMIC-Eye: Integrating MIMIC Datasets with REFLACX and Eye Gaze for Multimodal Deep Learning Applications

Published: March 23, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Model Credentialed Access

EntityBERT: BERT-based Models Pretrained on MIMIC-III with or without Entity-centric Masking Strategy for the Clinical Domain

Chen Lin, Steven Bethard, Guergana Savova, Timothy Miller, Dmitriy Dligach

Pretraining of models with a broad representation of biomedical terminology (PubMedBERT) on MIMIC-III corpus along with or without a novel entity-centric masking strategy.

Published: March 17, 2022. Version: 1.0.1

Database Credentialed Access

RadNLI: A natural language inference dataset for the radiology domain

Yasuhide Miura, Yuhao Zhang, Emily Tsai, Curtis Langlotz, Dan Jurafsky

A radiology NLI dataset introduced in the paper: Improving Factual Completeness and Consistency of Image-to-text Radiology Report Generation

Published: June 29, 2021. Version: 1.0.0