
Database Open Access


Alistair Johnson, Lucas Bulgarelli, Tom Pollard, Leo Anthony Celi, Steven Horng, Roger Mark

An openly available subset of the MIMIC-IV-ED database

emergency department mimic

Published: Feb. 8, 2023. Version: 2.2

Database Credentialed Access

GOSSIS-1-eICU, the eICU-CRD subset of the Global Open Source Severity of Illness Score (GOSSIS-1) dataset

Jesse Raffa, Alistair Johnson, Tom Pollard, Omar Badawi

GOSSIS-1 is an in-hospital mortality prediction algorithm for critical care patients. GOSSIS-1 was trained using data from three countries. This dataset corresponds with the USA subset of the GOSSIS-1 dataset for the 2022 publication below.

icu critical care severity of illness global gossis apache mortality prediction benchmarking

Published: July 20, 2022. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

PhysioZoo - mammalian NSR databases

Ori Shemla, Joachim Behar

PhysioZoo is a collaborative platform dedicated to the study of the heart rate variability in electrophysiological recordings from mammals

heart rate variabillity electrophysiology mammals ecg

Published: Aug. 27, 2019. Version: 1.0.0

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Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-III and eICU-CRD: Feature Representation by FIDDLE Preprocessing

Shengpu Tang, Parmida Davarmanesh, Yanmeng Song, Danai Koutra, Michael Sjoding, Jenna Wiens

Features and labels from MIMIC-III and eICU-CRD produced by FIDDLE, an EHR preprocessing pipeline.

preprocessing electronic health record machine learning

Published: April 28, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Database Contributor Review

Salzburg Intensive Care database (SICdb), a freely accessible intensive care database

Niklas Rodemund, Andreas Kokoefer, Bernhard Wernly, Crispiana Cozowicz

The SICdb dataset, version 1.0.8 contains 27350 admissions to an ICU in an Austrian tertiary care institution.

clinical intensive care critical care open data machine learning

Published: Sept. 10, 2024. Version: 1.0.8

Database Open Access

Induced Cesarean EHG DataSet (ICEHG DS): An open dataset with electrohysterogram records of pregnancies ending in induced and cesarean section delivery

Franc Jager

The design and development of ICEHG DS was funded by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) under the research project Metabolic and inborn factors of reproductive health, birth III.

neuroelectric pregnancy electrohysterogram cesarean-section delivery induced delivery

Published: Oct. 8, 2023. Version: 1.0.1

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Software Open Access

R-DECO: An open-source Matlab based graphical user interface for the detection and correction of R-peaks

Jonathan Moeyersons, Matthew Amoni, Sabine Van Huffel, Rik Willems, Carolina Varon

An open-source Matlab based graphical user interface for the detection and correction of R-peaks.

algorithms and analysis of algorithms signal processiong visual analysis graphical user interface

Published: Sept. 8, 2020. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA: A Complex, Diverse, And Large-Scale Visual Question Answering Dataset for Chest X-ray Images

Seongsu Bae, Daeun Kyung, Jaehee Ryu, Eunbyeol Cho, Gyubok Lee, Sunjun Kweon, Jungwoo Oh, Lei JI, Eric Chang, Tackeun Kim, Edward Choi

We introduce MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA, a complex, diverse, and large-scale dataset designed for Visual Question Answering (VQA) tasks within the medical domain, focusing primarily on chest radiographs.

question answering multimodal benchmark radiology evaluation visual question answering electronic health records deep learning chest x-ray machine learning

Published: July 19, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Database Contributor Review

Salzburg Intensive Care database (SICdb), a freely accessible intensive care database

Niklas Rodemund, Andreas Kokoefer, Bernhard Wernly, Crispiana Cozowicz

The SICdb dataset, version 1.0.8 contains 27350 admissions to an ICU in an Austrian tertiary care institution.

clinical intensive care critical care open data machine learning

Published: Sept. 10, 2024. Version: 1.0.8

Database Open Access

Lobachevsky University Electrocardiography Database

Alena Kalyakulina, Igor Yusipov, Viktor Moskalenko, Alexander Nikolskiy, Konstantin Kosonogov, Nikolai Zolotykh, Mikhail Ivanchenko

ECG signal database that consists of 200 10-second 12-lead records. The boundaries and peaks of P, T waves and QRS complexes were manually annotated by cardiologists. Each record is annotated with the corresponding diagnosis.

diagnosis delineation open database database ecg electrocardiography

Published: Jan. 19, 2021. Version: 1.0.1

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