
Database Credentialed Access

AMR-UTI: Antimicrobial Resistance in Urinary Tract Infections

Michael Oberst, Soorajnath Boominathan, Helen Zhou, Sanjat Kanjilal, David Sontag

AMR-UTI is a freely accessible dataset, derived from electronic health record (EHR) information on over 100,000 urinary tract infections (UTI) treated at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston, MA, USA.

antibiotic resistance causal inference policy learning antimicrobial resistance urinary tract infection clinical decision support machine learning

Published: Nov. 4, 2020. Version: 1.0.0

Database Restricted Access

Computed Tomography Images for Intracranial Hemorrhage Detection and Segmentation

Murtadha Hssayeni

Head computed tomography (CT) scans with intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) segmentation, ICH subtypes and skull fracture.

computed tomography nifti skull fracture ich intracranial hemmorhage ct scans segmentation

Published: March 10, 2020. Version: 1.3.1

Database Open Access

ERP-based Brain-Computer Interface recordings

Data generated as part of a study aimed at identifying the factors limiting the performance of brain-computer interfaces based on event-related potentials.

brain-computer interface neuroelectric

Published: March 4, 2014. Version: 1.0.0

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Challenge Credentialed Access

Discharge Me: BioNLP ACL'24 Shared Task on Streamlining Discharge Documentation

Justin Xu

Data for the "Discharge Me!" Shared Task on Streamlining Discharge Documentation for BioNLP ACL'24

generation bionlp acl discharge summary

Published: April 12, 2024. Version: 1.3

Database Restricted Access

OpenOximetry Repository

Nicholas Fong, Michael Lipnick, Philip Bickler, John Feiner, Tyler Law

A repository of matched arterial oxygen and pulse oximeter readings obtained under controlled conditions, with high-frequency physiologic waveforms and skin color measurements.

Published: Feb. 27, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

CORAL: expert-Curated medical Oncology Reports to Advance Language model inference

Madhumita Sushil, Vanessa Kennedy, Divneet Mandair, Brenda Miao, Travis Zack, Atul Butte

Medical oncology progress notes annotated with advanced, comprehensive oncology-relevant concepts and relationships.

artificial intelligence electronic health records information extraction natural language processing oncology large language models

Published: Feb. 7, 2024. Version: 1.0

Challenge Credentialed Access

SNOMED CT Entity Linking Challenge

Will Hardman, Mark Banks, Rory Davidson, Donna Truran, Nindya Widita Ayuningtyas, Hoa Ngo, Alistair Johnson, Tom Pollard

272 discharge notes from the MIMIC-IV-Note dataset annotated with SNOMED CT concepts.

snomed entity linking clinical annotation

Published: Dec. 19, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

Kiel Cardio Database

Erik Engelhardt, Norbert Frey, Gerhard Schmidt

The Kiel Cardio Database (KCD) contains one-minute 8-lead magnetocardiographic (MCG) measurements from seven subjects. Each subject underwent 25 consecutive measurements using a sensor array comprising four QuSpin QZFMs.

opically pumped magnetometer opm mcg magnetocardiography

Published: Dec. 15, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

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Database Open Access

Simulated Obstructive Disease Respiratory Pressure and Flow

Jaimey Anne Clifton, Ella Frances Sophia Guy, Trudy Caljé-van der Klei, Jennifer Knopp, James Geoffrey Chase

Outlined is a pressure, flow, and volume dataset using a using a modular device to simulate the effects of obstructive pulmonary disease in healthy people. 20 healthy subjects were included in this dataset.

Published: Nov. 13, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Challenge Credentialed Access

BioNLP Workshop 2023 Shared Task 1A: Problem List Summarization

Yanjun Gao, Dmitriy Dligach, Timothy Miller, Majid Afshar

This is the data storage for BioNLP Workshop Shared Task 1A: Problem List Summarization.

bionlp clinical natural language processing electronic health record summarization

Published: Nov. 12, 2023. Version: 2.0.0