
Database Credentialed Access

CAD-Chest: Comprehensive Annotation of Diseases based on MIMIC-CXR Radiology Report

Mengliang Zhang, Xinyue Hu, Lin Gu, Tatsuya Harada, Kazuma Kobayashi, Ronald Summers, Yingying Zhu

The CAD-Chest dataset provides comprehensive annotations of disease, including disease severity, uncertainty, and location based on the MIMIC-CXR radiologist reports.

chesr x-ray disease label

Published: Dec. 8, 2023. Version: 1.0

Database Credentialed Access

Medical Expert Annotations of Unsupported Facts in Doctor-Written and LLM-Generated Patient Summaries

Stefan Hegselmann, Shannon Shen, Florian Gierse, Monica Agrawal, David Sontag, Xiaoyi Jiang

Annotations for unsupported facts in 100 original MIMIC patient summaries (discharge instructions) and hallucinations in 100 Large Language Model (LLM) generated patient summaries labeled by two medical experts.

Published: April 28, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

DrugEHRQA: A Question Answering Dataset on Structured and Unstructured Electronic Health Records For Medicine Related Queries

Jayetri Bardhan, Anthony Colas, Kirk Roberts, Daisy Zhe Wang

DrugEHRQA is a QA dataset containing question-answers from MIMIC-III tables and discharge summaries.

question-answer qa

Published: April 12, 2022. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

RadGraph: Extracting Clinical Entities and Relations from Radiology Reports

Saahil Jain, Ashwin Agrawal, Adriel Saporta, Steven QH Truong, Du Nguyen Duong, Tan Bui, Pierre Chambon, Matthew Lungren, Andrew Ng, Curtis Langlotz, Pranav Rajpurkar

RadGraph is a dataset of entities and relations in full-text chest X-ray radiology reports, which are obtained using a novel information extraction (IE) schema to capture clinically relevant information in a radiology report.

entity and relation extraction graph multi-modal natural language processing radiology

Published: June 3, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

Chest X-ray Dataset with Lung Segmentation

Wimukthi Indeewara, Mahela Hennayake, Kasun Rathnayake, Thanuja Ambegoda, Dulani Meedeniya

CXLSeg dataset: Chest X-ray with Lung Segmentation, a comparatively large dataset of segmented Chest X-ray radiographs based on the MIMIC-CXR dataset. This contains segmentation results of 243,324 frontal view images and corresponding masks.

segmentation medical reports u-net chest radiographs mimic-cxr chest x-ray

Published: Feb. 8, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

Chest X-ray Dataset with Lung Segmentation

Wimukthi Indeewara, Mahela Hennayake, Kasun Rathnayake, Thanuja Ambegoda, Dulani Meedeniya

CXLSeg dataset: Chest X-ray with Lung Segmentation, a comparatively large dataset of segmented Chest X-ray radiographs based on the MIMIC-CXR dataset. This contains segmentation results of 243,324 frontal view images and corresponding masks.

segmentation medical reports u-net chest radiographs mimic-cxr chest x-ray

Published: Feb. 8, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

ReFiSco: Report Fix and Score Dataset for Radiology Report Generation

Katherine Tian, Sina J Hartung, Andrew A Li, Jaehwan Jeong, Fardad Behzadi, Juan Calle-Toro, Subathra Adithan, Michael Pohlen, David Osayande, Pranav Rajpurkar

Preliminary human expert evaluation study on 60 MIMIC-CXR radiology reports

Published: Aug. 23, 2023. Version: 0.0

Database Credentialed Access

EHRCon: Dataset for Checking Consistency between Unstructured Notes and Structured Tables in Electronic Health Records

Yeonsu Kwon, Jiho Kim, Gyubok Lee, Seongsu Bae, Daeun Kyung, Wonchul Cha, Tom Pollard, Alistair Johnson, Edward Choi

Dataset for Checking Consistency between Unstructured Notes and Structured Tables in Electronic Health Records

Published: Aug. 19, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

EHRXQA: A Multi-Modal Question Answering Dataset for Electronic Health Records with Chest X-ray Images

Seongsu Bae, Daeun Kyung, Jaehee Ryu, Eunbyeol Cho, Gyubok Lee, Sunjun Kweon, Jungwoo Oh, Lei JI, Eric Chang, Tackeun Kim, Edward Choi

We present EHRXQA, the first multi-modal EHR QA dataset combining structured patient records with aligned chest X-ray images. EHRXQA contains a comprehensive set of QA pairs covering image-related, table-related, and image+table-related questions.

question answering benchmark evaluation visual question answering electronic health records multi-modal question answering deep learning chest x-ray ehr question answering semantic parsing machine learning

Published: July 23, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Challenge Credentialed Access

Discharge Me: BioNLP ACL'24 Shared Task on Streamlining Discharge Documentation

Justin Xu

Data for the "Discharge Me!" Shared Task on Streamlining Discharge Documentation for BioNLP ACL'24

generation bionlp acl discharge summary

Published: April 12, 2024. Version: 1.3